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Potty Training Parents

July 9, 2024

Howdy to all potty-training 🚽 parents! 

An Example!

We here at Poo Paper want to congratulate you on lightening your diaper bag, and your little one on taking the next step to becoming a big kid! We know that potty training can be a pretty daunting task, and we want to provide a fun and helpful way to get your kids excited to use the toilet.

Poo Paper toilet targets have a variety of cartoon characters, team logos, and cute animal graphics that you and your kiddo can pick out to potty train with. If your child’s favorite character isn’t there already, you can always upload your custom image – makes it easy! Once you both have selected the perfect targets, check out and wait for the fun to begin.

Another example!

Is your kiddo trying to get better at practicing their aim? Simply drop in one of our Poo Paper targets (we have 6" and 3" versions to best-fit the toilet being used) and have them try their best to get a bullseye. Much better than aiming for Cheerios, amiright? Using Poo Paper gives you as a parent the opportunity to make learning how to use the bathroom fun and easy. Your kids will love being able to select which target they want to use and remember to use the potty because of it, which will take a load off of parents too! 

Here’s the truth: we want your kids to be potty experts because we know that it lessens the stress on you, parents- who are already hard-working enough as it is. Let us help you and your kiddo perfect potty time so you can spend more time doing the things you love! 

Sometimes a simple target will do!